Image Manipulation The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

14 Tháng Hai, 2022


Source code of (formerly, to be used on your own server. I had the same problem and used imagemagick too – it’s simple, easy and you don’t have to know anything about images. For this perspective transform we need the four coordinates of the original image and then the four points of the output image, they are denoted by points_A and points_B. Firstly with the help of these points we compute a transformation matrix, M with the help of getPerspectiveTransform function.

A single dash followed by a single character (I.e. -h) defines a shorthand argument. Two dashes followed by a word (I.e. –help) usually define longhand arguments. Enhancing an image by adjusting properties such as its brightness, contrast and color. Check the below code in Python for pasting a slice of the image. Check the below code to convert an image to a negative image.

In this section, you’ve learned about several filters available in the ImageFilter module that you can apply to images. You can see a list of all the filters available in the ImageFilter documentation. When you merge the red band with green and blue bands containing zeros, you get an RGB image called red_merge. Therefore, the RGB image that you create only has non-zero values in the red channel, but because it’s still an RGB image, it’ll display in color. To manipulate and process images, Pillow provides tools that are similar to ones found in image processing software such as Photoshop.

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In each successive frame, the red square moves closer to the center until it reaches the center in the final iteration of the loop. The blue square is initially shifted toward the bottom-right then moves towards the center with each iteration. The third argument provides the mask that you wish to use if you don’t want to paste the entire image. The next sections will look at the kernels and image filtering capabilities available in the ImageFilter module in Pillow. The diagram and the discussion above only consider three kernel positions. The convolution process repeats this process for every possible kernel position in the image.

We will do some hands-on practice on an image by testing each of them. The project is structured where related functionality is defined in its own module. For example, we have individual modules for parsing command line arguments, handling generated objects derived from those arguments, and performing image manipulation with Pillow. Part two of this case study details the code in each of these modules. The code in this file loads image files into memory and instructs the appropriate modules to parse command line arguments and handle image processing.

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Another top image processing library on the market is Scikit-Image, which is used for nearly every computer vision task. Scikit-Image is partly written in Cython, which is a programming language that is a superset of Python. features tutorials, news, and how-tos focused on topics relevant to software engineers, web developers, programmers, and product managers of development teams. This includes coverage of software management systems and project management software – all aimed at helping to shorten the software development lifecycle . In our previous article,Displaying and Converting Images with Python, we demonstrated how to open and show images in Python as well as how to convert them to different file formats. We also learned how to inspect basic attributes of an image.

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image manipulation is specialized in 2D plots of arrays as a multi-platform data visualization library on Numpy arrays. SciPy is another of Python’s core scientific modules and can be used for basic image manipulation and processing tasks. In particular, the submodule scipy.ndimage provides functions operating on n-dimensional NumPy arrays. The package currently includes linear and non-linear filtering functions, binary morphology, B-spline interpolation and object measurements. NumPy is one of the core libraries in Python programming and provides support for arrays.

Rotating an Image Using Python

Our tool also utilizes a fork of the Python Imaging Library called Pillow for performing image processing tasks. At a high level, the Pillow API is used to load image files into memory, process its pixel data in various ways, and finally save a new image to the file system. Matplotlib is another great option for an image processing library. It is especially useful as an image module for working with images in Python, and it includes two specific methods for reading and displaying images.

A Python module that implements functions to parse command-line arguments into Python objects. Lastly, we discuss how our application integrates the Pillow API and the code used for performing image processing operations. We then go through the process of creating a virtual environment with Pipenv. Here I have used a loop to draw a horizontal line of red pixels half way down the image. Not particularly useful but it does illustrate that in principle you can edit or create an image one pixel at a time. The rotate method’s first argument is the angle in degrees to rotate anticlockwise.


The mode of an image describes what type of image you’re working with. Pillow supports most standard modes, including black-and-white , grayscale, RGB, RGBA, and CMYK. You can see the full list of supported modes in the Pillow documentation on modes. The argument determines the factor by which you scale the image down. If you prefer to set a maximum size rather than a scaling factor, then you can use .thumbnail().

Edge Detection, Edge Enhancement, and Embossing

These are some of Python’s helpful and freely available image processing libraries. Some are relatively well-known, and some may be new for you. Try each of them out to see what will work best for your project.


But if we interpolate it the image quality becomes improved as of the previous one because interpolation estimates the pixels while filling in the spaces when image is enlarged. It’s simply a different way of resizing that allows us to easily and quickly scale images, scaling down reducing the height and width of the new image by half. Now for performing image translations we use opencv’s warpAffine function, cv2.warpAffine is used to implement these translations but for that we need a translation matrix.

Learn the basics of Python

An image has four bands, one for each of the colors and a fourth one containing the alpha values. Therefore, an RGBA image of size 100×100 pixels is represented by a 100x100x4 array of values. Therefore, the Image object for an RBG image contains three bands, one for each color. An RGB image of size 100×100 pixels is represented by a 100x100x3 array of values. You can customize the rotation further with additional optional parameters. In the next section, you’ll learn about different types of images in the Python Pillow library.

The main function prints a heading and the current version of Pillow before creating a variable to hold the image file name. After that we just call a number of functions which demonstrate various Pillow features, most of which are commented out at the moment so we can run them one at a time. Create Images of Solid ColorsThe above code shows you how to create an image of a solid color.

Now lets look at the more advanced functionality provided by the ImageEnhance module, starting with ImageEnhance.Color. This could perhaps have been more accurately named Saturation, and like the Contrast, Brightness and Sharpness classes I’ll look at in a moment it returns an object providing an enhance method. Generally values between 0 and 2 are all you are likely to need, with values outside this range giving extreme or odd effects. The Image class’s resize method takes a tuple containing width and height . I have used a width of 100 and a height calculated from the original image’s height/width ratio to maintain the shape.

Here is a summarized list of all the functions you can use with Image object. PyCairo is a set of Python bindings for the graphics library Cairo. Vector graphics are interesting because they don’t lose clarity when you resize or transform them. There are a large number of Jupyter Notebooks illustrating the use of SimpleITK for educational and research activities out there. The notebooks demonstrate the use of SimpleITK for interactive image analysis using the Python and R programming languages. Mahotas library relies on using simple code to get things done.

Image Pyramids – Another way of resizing

Like the listings in the previous article, this listing is very straightforward. We need the os module for the next two lines of code in Listing 1, which check to see if an image file named “newImage.jpg” already exists in the current directory. If it does, then we use the os.remove() method to delete it.

Check the below code to rotate an image by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. To save a ndarray as an image, we are using method. In this analysis, we are using imshow() method to display the image. And this is it pasted onto the National Gallery image as a watermark.

Originally designed for mathematical and scientific computations, SciPy is also a top library for performing multi-dimensional image processing by importing the submodule scipy.ndimage. SciPy provides functions to operate on n-dimensional Numpy arrays. This is how OpenCV can be used to apply many different image processing operations on image. We will continue with other image manipulation functions in next tutorial. This section details how the standard argparse Python module is used to parse command line arguments and convert them into Python objects, ready to be used by the application.

Often, you’ll need to find the right combination through trial and error. The function that you use determines how each point transforms. In this case, you use a lambda function to map each point to 0. The first argument in merge() determines the mode of the image that you want to create.


If you prefer to remove this outline, you can crop the image using .crop(). You’ve segmented the image of the cat and extracted the cat from its background. The erosions and dilations have modified the image to keep the hole but remove the dot. The number of erosions and dilations needed depends on the image and what you want to achieve.

  • You can also use the PIL module to show the image with your default image viewer.
  • The image processing library is popular among those looking to easily create computer vision tasks.
  • If the value is between 0 and 1, the enhancer will get some light out, which will make the image darker.
  • She is also deeply passionate about ‘Women in Technology’ and constantly encourages and mentors young girls to join the STEM fields.
  • Image manipulation can be a lot of fun and offers great power.

Arithmetic operations in OpenCV basically are adding or subtracting matrixes to the image, adding or subtracting matrixes has effect on increasing or decreasing of brightness. Note you can use pixel values directly instead of start_col or start_row, they are just given to get the easy identification for the user. We are rotating an image from scratch without using the PIL library. If you would like to rotate an image by using the PIL, then use Image.rotate() method.

Some of the more modern Python image processing libraries are built on top of Pillow and often provide more advanced functionality. It’s important to note that Matplotlib doesn’t support all file formats. In order to process this large amount of data quickly and efficiently, data scientists must rely on image processing tools for machine learning and deep learning tasks. Many of the top image processing libraries are used in Python. A good idea is to discover all the options using help() function. Also keep in mind that you can use powerful Python basics such as for loops or while loops to edit or create batches of image files.

What it will do is take a pixel and search its neighbor pixels and replace it with the minimum value . Here’s an example that shows the capabilities of OpenCV-Python in image blending using pyramids to create a new fruit called orapple. The Pycairo GitHub repository is a good resource with detailed instructions on installation and usage.

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